Saturday, November 22, 2014

Value versus Cost

First of all, I want to express sincere appreciation and gratitude that there are others out there that have travelled down this road I am on before me.

I am referring to Robin Sharma as just one example.  I just finished watching the second video of the Extreme Achievement Formula.  (In case you cannot tell, I am a little obsessed with his messages right now because they represents everything I am pursuing.)

One thing that resonates with me, because it applies to me, is the value of self-development.  I am one of those people, an ordinary or average person as Sharma puts it, who worries about the cost.  I want to switch my thinking.  I am worth investing in my personal and professional development.  And I have more to lose.

Yesterday, I was up at 5AM and had planned my day and I am proud to say I accomplished my 5 goals.  Each morning I am working through the whole 5 step process for having a great year.  I don't want to rush it because I want to make sure I am attracting into my life constructive, meaningful to me, experiences and circumstances.  

Now it is time to start changing my thinking more.  Incrementally, each day.  This whole process is causing me to find the things I need to progress FORWARD.

So the thought crossed my mind to search for motivational, positive books to read.  Here is the list that I have come up with.  As I read each one, I will blog a mini book review and how it pertains to changing my life.

1.  Stephen Covey - 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
2.  Napolean Hill - Think and Grow Rich
3.  Anthony Robbins - Awaken the Giant Within
4.  Norman Vincent Peale - The Power of Positive Thinking
5.  Robin Sharma - The Leader Who Had No Title

The last one, as you may know from previous posts, I have already started.  I have not finished.  I borrowed it from my local library and because I am a slow reader (I really like to re-read to absorb and understand what I am reading), my time came too short and I had to return it.  I am now waiting to receive these books from Amazon.  I don't usually buy books but now is not the time to be cheap.  Buying these books are an investment into self-development and I know that if I put the time and money into self-improvement now, it will come back to me many times over.

I have heard so much about some of these books that I am excited to get started and the big question will be, WHAT BOOK DO I READ FIRST?!?!

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