Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Humble Realizations

I feel like all my days and therefore posts are just about self-exploration before the actions.  I don't feel like I am moving forward in my journey yet although I am doing some of the actions but I do feel as thought I am discovering stuff about myself and what I want to change.

I need to write lists, goals and things to do to achieve my goals.  I went on a bit of a slump, not listening to my sleep hypnosis at night, which gives me great energy the next morning and day, not surrounding myself with positive things.  I felt a little defeated with some early judgements because of the changes I want to make in my life.  

I have re-energized myself.  Last night I listened to a sleep hypnosis on self-confidence.  I am really beginning to believe I deserve greatness, BIW (Best In World) and everything the Universe has to offer me.  I mean, Why Not?  I am a person capable of greatness just as everybody else.  A lot of great people have come from similar or harder backgrounds than myself.  Not everyone who is or was great was born into greatness.  So we are all capable of getting there, being great.  

I had never thought of this before until I watched "The Game Changer's Protocol" by Robin Sharma but everyone we know who was great or is great, got there through a process.  We see them when they are great but we never usually see them in their journey to greatness.  Which means what you and I are doing right now can lead us to greatness in the future.

I also have been surrounding myself with positivity. I started this morning with some sit-ups which not only are good for me, they'll help me achieve my goals and doing that exercise made me feel so good, like I accomplished something that most people put off - exercise.

Then I watched a few uplifting videos by Robin Sharma and some affirmations, thanks to YouTube.  YouTube is my go-to source for positivity.  You can find everything there.  And it's iPad friendly (for when I go to bed at night, I use that as my meditation tool until I can really do it on my own) and iPhone friendly.  

Your day is so influenced by what you put into your brain before bedtime and first thing in the morning.  So fill it with good things to "eat" - positive messages, positive people and happy ideas and thoughts.

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