Tuesday, December 22, 2015

So I Finally Hired a Life Coach

My last post was last January and frankly not much has changed in my life until December 1st when I got invited to a Dream Building workshop.  This is no coincidence.

It was the first time I actualized my dream - knew what I really wanted.

That is the hardest part.  Discovering the dream that you are truly passionate about.  If you haven't found just what you WANT, find some silent time with no technology, no distraction and allow your mind to dream about your ideal life.  Ask yourself this question.  If I was to see myself in 3 years, what would I like my life to be like.  Then spill all the details of how you want to see yourself in 3 years.  Think about your career, relationships, money and health.

Then I signed up for the follow-up session: a 45-minute follow up/sales pitch for the life coaching.  This is when my coach asked me that question above.  With so much energy, I was able to rattle off a pretty elaborate story.  And I wasn't ashamed.  Yes, I am grateful for what I have right now.  Life is awesome!  I want more - simple!  And there is nothing wrong with that.  We only live once so go for broke.

I was hooked on the idea of having someone push me over the edge.  So I signed up.  It's scary spending that much money on life coaching but worth it.  I believe it is money well spent.

So I start in January but I've already listened to 2 of the 17 disks, started thinking about my DREAM, created an AFFIRMATION statement, created a VISION board, started thinking about the answers to the questions/statements in the workbook.  The program I am in is Mary Morrissey's Dreambuilder.  It is exciting, it is thorough, it is fun and thought-provoking.

I am excited and frankly relieved that my LIFE will be all I want it to be.  Join me, once again on my journey as I bridge the gap between now and DREAM.

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