Tuesday, March 1, 2016


So I've mentioned on a few recent posts that I'm taking a dream building course and I'm ready to share all aspects of this course and how it's affected my life personally with you. 

This is a universal law I think everybody should know about - everybody should learn about. 

And so I want to teach you, tell you, impact change in your life.

Follow me (on the right of your screen) to receive current updates when the next post comes out.  This will be a weekly blog that will highlight the different aspects of the dream building course.  Feel free to ask questions, comment and share your stories.

It doesn't matter if you believe it or not, it's still working and if you choose not to believe in it than you are truly missing out but if you would like to test this law of attraction, play along for a while.  (I say play, but it's as serious as you want it to be).  

So the first part of the dream building course is to think about what you're thinking about also known as critical thinking.  

Pay attention to the things you say and how you say it.  Because I am actively involved in this course and I've learned it I'm not able to unlearn it and unthink it .

It causes me to pay attention more to the things I am saying and others around me.   I recently talked to a couple of moms who are trying to find a new home and they keep saying I will never find a home in the area that I want to be in for the price I need it to be in. 

And so it is.  And even without knowing too much of what else I'm going to say you can see how this mindset in this way is thinking is hurting their dream. 

So first we have to be brave enough to dream big and so that's what I've done. I've created a dream that I had previously dreamt but had had so many negative thoughts about that I didn't chase them.  Fears, doubts, reasons to stop, letting the "no" stop me, worrying about finances (incoming and outgoing).

So I brought the dream alive and I'm chasing it now and I'm seeing things unfold before my eyes and things come to fruition that never would have happened before.  

So step one is: on a piece (or maybe I should say pieces) of paper write out how you would like to see your ideal life. This does not have to be elaborate or it could be extremely extravagant. 

Be very specific and write it in the present tense.  

I am....    

I have....

Write a few lines for your relationships, health, time/money freedom and your career/creative expression (what gift you share with the world - we all have one or more).

Keep your dream sacred and to yourself.

No dream is too big. If you can think it, you CAN have it. 

Look at somebody else that lives the dream you would like to have (the car, the house, the career, the business, the baby, the food, the........) and know that it is possible because it is being done but that person (don't confuse this with comparing yourself to others). 

Here's the other thing you need to understand:  We are all on the same playing field. The Universe does not treat you any differently from me, it does not withhold gravity from you and give more to me, the sun does not shine hotter on you than it does me (when considering the same geographical location).  It does not withhold your dreams from happening because of who you are.  

So take the next day or so and write down your dream.  

Who's excited?

If you want to take part in this weekly plan please leave a comment and share your story. Let's journey this together.   

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