Friday, November 14, 2014

Alignment with the Universe to Assist in Achieving Goals

As I said in a previous post, one of my goals is to establish a solid, healthy relationship with my husband.  This is not to say our relationship is bad but I want to strengthen and without a shadow of a doubt, ensure it's resiliency, longevity and stability.

In my last post, I stated that information comes to you once you set your mind on a goal.  The Universe gives you bits of information or puts in the path of people that can help you see your goals comes true.

One of the Moms I am following on Twitter, tweeted about an article she read on Business insiders.  The link is posted below for you to read the entire article.  For married people, I would recommend it.

I am being completely vulnerable by admitting this but this article was so profound to me and almost like it was speaking directly to me.  I feel like the one thing missing in my life with my husband is my generosity and kindness toward him when he is seeking that connection.  I am happy I read this article now as we approach our 5th wedding anniversary instead of years down the road when it is too late.

I am happy that I have a supportive husband.  He also read the article and we both admit it was a good find for us.

Thank you, God, Universe or Higher Power for putting this in my path.

When you want to go a certain direction in life, state it, and life will bring articles, people, songs, circumstances to help you go in that direction.  Be watching and waiting so you don't miss the opportunity.

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