Saturday, November 22, 2014

I'm Not Going to Get All "Preachy"

I just had an epiphany.  I am usually a soapbox, preachy person.  When I get passionate about something, everyone must know about it.

That is the WRONG approach!

This blog is for people who want to join me in my journey to something greater.  If you want to read, thank you!  Your interest is what inspires me.

If this is no interest to you, then thank you for reading thus far.  I am not offended if you choose to not follow.  This journal is for me and people who are looking for realistic inspiration.

Sometimes we need support to know there are others going through what we are going through.  People we can celebrate with.  Real people who in a similar stage in life.  People to whom we are accountable.

It is sometimes hard to relate to the people who have already "succeeded" or the "teachers".  

So join me, "plain Jane", if you wish, on my way to being Iconic Stephanie!

Value versus Cost

First of all, I want to express sincere appreciation and gratitude that there are others out there that have travelled down this road I am on before me.

I am referring to Robin Sharma as just one example.  I just finished watching the second video of the Extreme Achievement Formula.  (In case you cannot tell, I am a little obsessed with his messages right now because they represents everything I am pursuing.)

One thing that resonates with me, because it applies to me, is the value of self-development.  I am one of those people, an ordinary or average person as Sharma puts it, who worries about the cost.  I want to switch my thinking.  I am worth investing in my personal and professional development.  And I have more to lose.

Yesterday, I was up at 5AM and had planned my day and I am proud to say I accomplished my 5 goals.  Each morning I am working through the whole 5 step process for having a great year.  I don't want to rush it because I want to make sure I am attracting into my life constructive, meaningful to me, experiences and circumstances.  

Now it is time to start changing my thinking more.  Incrementally, each day.  This whole process is causing me to find the things I need to progress FORWARD.

So the thought crossed my mind to search for motivational, positive books to read.  Here is the list that I have come up with.  As I read each one, I will blog a mini book review and how it pertains to changing my life.

1.  Stephen Covey - 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
2.  Napolean Hill - Think and Grow Rich
3.  Anthony Robbins - Awaken the Giant Within
4.  Norman Vincent Peale - The Power of Positive Thinking
5.  Robin Sharma - The Leader Who Had No Title

The last one, as you may know from previous posts, I have already started.  I have not finished.  I borrowed it from my local library and because I am a slow reader (I really like to re-read to absorb and understand what I am reading), my time came too short and I had to return it.  I am now waiting to receive these books from Amazon.  I don't usually buy books but now is not the time to be cheap.  Buying these books are an investment into self-development and I know that if I put the time and money into self-improvement now, it will come back to me many times over.

I have heard so much about some of these books that I am excited to get started and the big question will be, WHAT BOOK DO I READ FIRST?!?!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Missing Steps - Goal Setting

After my Humble Realizations post a few days back, I felt kind of empty and like I was really missing something about this whole process.

This morning I was up at 5AM.  Coincidentally, so was my 1 year old so after she was back to sleep, I vigourously walked the stairs to my basement until my legs burned and my heart raced.  That only took about 5 minutes, if that.  Getting fit is a goal but it is also a process.

Then I started searching for a goal setting process - something I can really sink my teeth into.  I found Robin Sharma's Weekly Design System, printed it and went about a few household chores to satisfy a need for accomplishment so early in the morning.

Then I went back to researching some tangible things I can do to get my wheels turning.  I found Robin Sharma on How To Make This New Year Your Best Year Yet video.  I paused it and ran downstairs to get a notebook.  I really wanted to put ink to paper.  I had read an article that has surfaced from a Google search called Goal Setting - The Why and the How and very clearly that states that "3% of Harvard MBAs Make Ten Times as Much as the Other 97% Combined" because "3% had clear, written goals and plans to accomplish them".

And I am not so concerned about them being Harvard students or Masters students.  What is important to me is the statistic that carries over to anybody and everybody.

So I have my notebook in front of me and my YouTube video playing, with a finger close to the space bar to pause the video when I need to catch up with the note taking.

So I started taking notes on everything Robin Sharma says, even though it's in the article about goal setting that I read, I wanted to write it down for myself.  That is how I absorb it better.  Writing is more effective for me than reading.

1.  Celebrate - I started making note of all the questions I am to ask myself.  Then I started thinking about the answers to those questions.  I paused the video and flipped a page in my notebook and within 2 minutes had written 12 things that came so fast.  Robin Sharma says ACT when you have a thought, so I did that because it came so naturally.

Back to the video and making more notes.  Once the video was finished, I hoped over to this blog post and started writing.  I am inspired.  I feel like now I can plan.

As I am nearing the time my children get up in the morning, I have on my Weekly Design System to get back to this goal setting process tomorrow morning as part of my planning and learning for the day.

I am excited!  I hope this boost of energy will help you get traction!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Humble Realizations

I feel like all my days and therefore posts are just about self-exploration before the actions.  I don't feel like I am moving forward in my journey yet although I am doing some of the actions but I do feel as thought I am discovering stuff about myself and what I want to change.

I need to write lists, goals and things to do to achieve my goals.  I went on a bit of a slump, not listening to my sleep hypnosis at night, which gives me great energy the next morning and day, not surrounding myself with positive things.  I felt a little defeated with some early judgements because of the changes I want to make in my life.  

I have re-energized myself.  Last night I listened to a sleep hypnosis on self-confidence.  I am really beginning to believe I deserve greatness, BIW (Best In World) and everything the Universe has to offer me.  I mean, Why Not?  I am a person capable of greatness just as everybody else.  A lot of great people have come from similar or harder backgrounds than myself.  Not everyone who is or was great was born into greatness.  So we are all capable of getting there, being great.  

I had never thought of this before until I watched "The Game Changer's Protocol" by Robin Sharma but everyone we know who was great or is great, got there through a process.  We see them when they are great but we never usually see them in their journey to greatness.  Which means what you and I are doing right now can lead us to greatness in the future.

I also have been surrounding myself with positivity. I started this morning with some sit-ups which not only are good for me, they'll help me achieve my goals and doing that exercise made me feel so good, like I accomplished something that most people put off - exercise.

Then I watched a few uplifting videos by Robin Sharma and some affirmations, thanks to YouTube.  YouTube is my go-to source for positivity.  You can find everything there.  And it's iPad friendly (for when I go to bed at night, I use that as my meditation tool until I can really do it on my own) and iPhone friendly.  

Your day is so influenced by what you put into your brain before bedtime and first thing in the morning.  So fill it with good things to "eat" - positive messages, positive people and happy ideas and thoughts.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

First Steps

I watched my daughter standing, holding onto her toy the other day and very cautiously reached over to another toy.  As she fussed and whined, she let go of the first toy and grabbed onto the new toy.  I didn't think anything of it at the time except watched her excitedly and joyously in her triumph.

Later that evening, I was driving in the dark by myself, with lots of time to think.  With the hindsight, I reflected on that moment earlier in the day.  My daughter, although very uncomfortable and unsure, took a big step ahead in her development.  That step was the first of many.  Without that step, she will not be able to let go and walk on her own, she will not run, she will not climb, skate, ski, bike, drive or dance.

I drew the parallel in this journey toward self-development.  We are scared to take a step forward sometimes because we are unsure.  We whine and cry and feel uncomfortable but we have to take a step forward.

We may not want to wake up early but that step is the first of many more to come and without it, we cannot move forward into performance.  We need that first step to realize our potential, build confidence and plan for the next steps.

Another first step we must take in order to be excellent achievers is to look inward and be 100% truthful and honest with ourselves.  Where are we negative about life?  Where are we playing victim?  If we are to be completely honest with ourselves we will admit that NOBODY and NOTHING is keeping us from achieving our goals except ourselves.

Regardless of what you may say, we are where we are because of what we do, the decisions we make.  Our past of how we are raised is no excuse.  Many people who are rich and successful did not come from a rich and successful past.  The manufacturers of sugary drinks are not preventing you from losing weight.  Tobacco companies are not keeping you hooked and addicted to smoking.

Wake up with a HUNGER in your belly for change.  Make a list of goals and work towards them, slowing and gradually.  Make a life choice to be excellent, different and LIVE life to it's fullest.

My Favorite Quote by Robin Sharma because it makes me think

Friday, November 14, 2014

Alignment with the Universe to Assist in Achieving Goals

As I said in a previous post, one of my goals is to establish a solid, healthy relationship with my husband.  This is not to say our relationship is bad but I want to strengthen and without a shadow of a doubt, ensure it's resiliency, longevity and stability.

In my last post, I stated that information comes to you once you set your mind on a goal.  The Universe gives you bits of information or puts in the path of people that can help you see your goals comes true.

One of the Moms I am following on Twitter, tweeted about an article she read on Business insiders.  The link is posted below for you to read the entire article.  For married people, I would recommend it.

I am being completely vulnerable by admitting this but this article was so profound to me and almost like it was speaking directly to me.  I feel like the one thing missing in my life with my husband is my generosity and kindness toward him when he is seeking that connection.  I am happy I read this article now as we approach our 5th wedding anniversary instead of years down the road when it is too late.

I am happy that I have a supportive husband.  He also read the article and we both admit it was a good find for us.

Thank you, God, Universe or Higher Power for putting this in my path.

When you want to go a certain direction in life, state it, and life will bring articles, people, songs, circumstances to help you go in that direction.  Be watching and waiting so you don't miss the opportunity.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Perfect Example of 5AM Club and Performance Enhancement

I believe once you set your mind in a path, the Universe lines up events and information to support that path.

Today, while I was reading an article unrelated to Law of Attraction, the Universe, 5AM club or anything to do with this journey of mine, a pop up news article "Recommended for You" piqued my interest.  The headline was "Tom Brady Explains Why He Goes To Sleep At 8:30" and right away I knew what the article was going to be about.  Now I am not a NFL football fan nor do I know very much about Tom Brady but I know his name because I know he is a big time player.  And he is a big time player partly because of this principle.

Tom never specifically says he wakes up at 5AM but he does say he wakes up early and his decisions are centered around "performance enhancement".  

Robin Sharma says to have what 1% of the world has you have to do what 1% of the world does.  And Tom Brady gets that.  He says, "I have to do things differently than the way guys have always done it."

If there was ever any doubt about wanting to be great and what is required of you to do that, let Tom Brady be an inspiration.

Here is the link if you wish to read the article yourself.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Early Morning Musings

I did it!  Day 1 of the 5AM club.  And this is how it came about.  

This recount of what happened in our house last night may seem unsupportive and insensitive but it is not, as a matter of fact, my husband and I know each other so well, we know what to say to challenge the other.  Here is what I mean.

Last evening, my husband mentioned that he is struggling to lose weight.  I quickly asked him if I could give my opinion.  After a quick nod of approval, I told him it's because he isn't doing anything to lose weight.  Managing his eating is not enough and he has to get physical.  Then I said, "If you wanted it bad enough, you would do it".  

Fast forward to after my children were in bed and my husband and I were sitting in the livingroom, watching a bit of TV and I mentioned something about getting up at 5AM (like I do every night).  Throwing my own words back at me, he said, "If you really wanted it bad enough, you would do it".  

Sometimes we like to give advice but we need to really hear our own advice in context to our goals and aspirations.  This is what his words were to me.  He was right.  And I was challenged from that moment.  I had blogged about wanting this change and transformation really bad but yet I hadn't done anything to bring about the change, except read part of one book.

So this morning, I hopped out of bed as soon as my alarm went off.  I don't feel tired or groggy.   I feel exhilarated, energized and excited.  Accomplishing a goal does that to a person.

Sitting in my livingroom, post Pilates workout reading with the light on and darkness all around, inside and outside, I felt like I was the only one awake.

I write this to you because I want to challenge you.  If you really want to make a positive change in your life, or something isn't working for you, WANT the change really bad and work towards doing it.  

Write a micro-list of things you can do to make the change.  When I say micro-list, I mean break everything down to a detail because as Robin Sharma says in "Leader Who Had No Title", if you can accomplish 5 mini-goals a day, that is 150 goals per month and over 2,000 goals per year.  That is astonishing and can only bring about positive change.

Albert Einstein said it best, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

Sunday, November 2, 2014

"The Leader Who Had No Title"

I am currently reading "The Leader Who Had No Title".  Tonight at dinner I was thinking about how I found my way to Robin Sharma's book.  I was tired of procrastinating so I searched for YouTube videos for guided self-hypnosis about procrastination.  Although it wasn't hypnosis, Robin Sharma's How I Beat Procrastination came up and I watched it a few times.

That led to a chain of events that just kept spiralling.  That is the thing with making changes in your life and what "The Leader Who Had No Title" talks about.  Put a thought into action and it takes off and things move faster than you can imagine.

I searched for more Robin Sharma videos.  I came across Robin Sharma's How to Wake Up Early.  That led to more thinking and searching.  

Then I looked up his books.  I searched my local library and found "The Leader Who Had No Title".  I am still reading through the first philosophy but I am hungry to find more time to read.  I am convinced to buy the book because I want to share it with my husband who reads much slower than myself (if that could be at all possible).

But while thinking about my short journey so far, I am astounded that the things finding their way into my life is just what I have been seeking and wanting to learn and read about.  This book is EXACTLY what I needed and wanted.  So if you are not sure about what EXTRAORDINARY means to me, read "The Leader Who Had No Title" by Robin Sharma.

And it lines up with a core value of mine.

I believe in being a life-learner.  One of my loves in life is learning.  I am always searching for answers on the internet, truths about life, questioning everything I hear, and part of that is the desire for self-improvement.  We are never perfect so there is always room for learning and self-improvement.