Saturday, May 28, 2016

Timing is Everything!

Almost 2 weeks ago, I sprained my ankle. It was the best thing that could've happened to me in this stage of my life. Odd to say that, right?

I attracted this. I have been complaining about not having the time for many things I wanted to do. Guess what? Now I have nothing but time to sit and rest.

And what did I want to do? Personal development and spiritual growth. I want change in my life  by living in the now and attracting happy, healthy relationships, great clients to my business and peace and happiness.  Getting to sit and listen to the Hay House World Summit, read How to Heal your Life by Louise Hay, and learn more about Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT aka Tapping) have all been great things to happen to me while sitting RICE-ing my ankle.  (Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation).

I have spent countless hours reading, listening to videos and audios and really having the time to personally heal.  Every person, regardless of our upbringing, underwent some trauma.  Some people more than others and all of those experiences affect and influence what happens to us today.

I recently started a new business and I really wanted to make sure that I was putting my mind and body in the right place before I really got started so I could be more successful from a mental perspective as well as a financial perspective. 

Spraining my ankle has taught me that it is OK to let other people take the reins sometimes.  Also taught me that I was taking life a little bit too fast and that there is nothing wrong with slowing down a little bit.

I've had a chance to visit my inner child and see where some of the pain from my past is.  Many tears and gone through many tissues but not because of the pain in my ankle because of what I'm learning in when I'm discovering about myself.  Some tears are pain and some are joy in the discovering.

Photo taken from Pinterest

So just remember that when something seems to happen that is perceived as bad, remember you are right where you need to

The Universe knows just what you need and you are attracting it because you too, know exactly what you need.  

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Thursday, May 19, 2016

Attitude of Gratitude

The Hay House World Summit 2016 has been a great positive resource for me and my journey.

I have been watching and listening to many audios and videos.

One thing I have known for a long time, is that being grateful puts on the right frequency of your dreams.  Just recently, I admitted into my journal that sometimes finding things to be grateful for seems so basic.  So for example, being thankful for the "obvious" things in my life, seems kind of too easy and therefore I do not say those things.

Then one morning, I sat down and 2 pages in my journal just spewed out of me. It was a gratitude block that is now unblocked.

So I was looking at my basket of laundry to put away and I thought I would create a list of things to be grateful for, just related to that basket of clothes. You can take this exercise and apply it to any situation, remembering that if you have ANYTHING, or seemingly NOTHING, there is something to be grateful for.

I am so blessed that I get to put away a few baskets of clothes. One basket of clothes tells us how much we have to be grateful for.

1. We have clothes to put on our backs.
2. We have a spouse in most cases and children or even just our own lives and bodies to cloth.
3.  We own the appliances to wash them, the water that is required, electricity, and soap.
4.  If we have a washer and dryer in our own homes then we have a home. If we get to go to the laundromat then we have a means of transportation to get there and money to do the laundry.  (Even if you have to walk to the laundromat, be grateful for your legs).
5.  Experiences and food has made our clothes dirty. 
6.  We have furniture to put our clothes in.  
7.  If the basket of clothes is full, and we have an abundance of clothes.  

So much to be thankful for!!

What is one thing today, you originally wished you didn't have to do, and what can you be grateful for in that task?

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Law Of Attraction - It Works

It works, this Law of Attraction stuff.

And it happens quite quickly if you stay consistent and are committed to the process and you must keep believing.

So I started all of this process in January.  I took Mary Morrissey's DreamBuilder Course and now I'm taking it for a second time.  In my opinion, it's like watching a movie or reading a book twice.  You pick up on what you missed the first time the second go around.  

Well, let me tell you a few points of where I was and now where I am.

- worrying about money, not having enough, letting the "lack" of money keep me from doing things

- being average, not doing "great" things, living the same day over and over again

- not knowing what my purpose on this Earth was

- wanting "more" out of life (not material more, just feeling like there must be more to life than this)

I was very grateful, positive and energetic.  I still loved life but was just lacking.

And now, with a shift in my thinking, a believing in myself and a Higher Power (for those who do not believe in God, it doesn't matter, the Power is the same Power that makes nature happen, gravity forces, etc).

- I have started a business that I have had clients for at every step so far

- I am getting in front of people I never would've expected who have access to even more people

- I have met people and been introduced to highly influential people

- I do not let doubts stop my actions

And all of this is only explained by the Law of Attraction, the desire to think differently and adopting a new way of being.

life coach is helping me and and I still call her when I know I am not in alignment or my thoughts are affecting my desired outcome.

I want this for everybody, especially the people who are struggling.

Invest in yourself - investments always pay themselves back and then some so don't look at it like a cost, but an investment.  I'm glad I did.

Life is bursting open at all seams and I'm ready!!!

Tuesday, March 1, 2016


So I've mentioned on a few recent posts that I'm taking a dream building course and I'm ready to share all aspects of this course and how it's affected my life personally with you. 

This is a universal law I think everybody should know about - everybody should learn about. 

And so I want to teach you, tell you, impact change in your life.

Follow me (on the right of your screen) to receive current updates when the next post comes out.  This will be a weekly blog that will highlight the different aspects of the dream building course.  Feel free to ask questions, comment and share your stories.

It doesn't matter if you believe it or not, it's still working and if you choose not to believe in it than you are truly missing out but if you would like to test this law of attraction, play along for a while.  (I say play, but it's as serious as you want it to be).  

So the first part of the dream building course is to think about what you're thinking about also known as critical thinking.  

Pay attention to the things you say and how you say it.  Because I am actively involved in this course and I've learned it I'm not able to unlearn it and unthink it .

It causes me to pay attention more to the things I am saying and others around me.   I recently talked to a couple of moms who are trying to find a new home and they keep saying I will never find a home in the area that I want to be in for the price I need it to be in. 

And so it is.  And even without knowing too much of what else I'm going to say you can see how this mindset in this way is thinking is hurting their dream. 

So first we have to be brave enough to dream big and so that's what I've done. I've created a dream that I had previously dreamt but had had so many negative thoughts about that I didn't chase them.  Fears, doubts, reasons to stop, letting the "no" stop me, worrying about finances (incoming and outgoing).

So I brought the dream alive and I'm chasing it now and I'm seeing things unfold before my eyes and things come to fruition that never would have happened before.  

So step one is: on a piece (or maybe I should say pieces) of paper write out how you would like to see your ideal life. This does not have to be elaborate or it could be extremely extravagant. 

Be very specific and write it in the present tense.  

I am....    

I have....

Write a few lines for your relationships, health, time/money freedom and your career/creative expression (what gift you share with the world - we all have one or more).

Keep your dream sacred and to yourself.

No dream is too big. If you can think it, you CAN have it. 

Look at somebody else that lives the dream you would like to have (the car, the house, the career, the business, the baby, the food, the........) and know that it is possible because it is being done but that person (don't confuse this with comparing yourself to others). 

Here's the other thing you need to understand:  We are all on the same playing field. The Universe does not treat you any differently from me, it does not withhold gravity from you and give more to me, the sun does not shine hotter on you than it does me (when considering the same geographical location).  It does not withhold your dreams from happening because of who you are.  

So take the next day or so and write down your dream.  

Who's excited?

If you want to take part in this weekly plan please leave a comment and share your story. Let's journey this together.   

Friday, February 26, 2016


I was having a bad day a while back and this video Jump by Steve Harvey came across my Facebook feed.

If you haven't seen it, I suggest you watch it.  It is life changing.

So if you feel stuck like you want to change or jump, as Steve Harvey puts it, what is stopping you? 

Is it fear?

Is it not knowing?

Then here is what you do!

Make a list of how you want your life to be and don't let the negative talk influence what you write.  For now, just write your "ideal" life out - and get big...if your ideal life is to own a mansion but you don't know how or have doubts, write it down anyways!

Then do something, anything (even tiny, teeny tiny things) to do something in the direction of what you wrote.

So if you wrote to own a mansion, go walk through a show home.  
And please, please please do not let fear, negative thoughts keep you from doing this is that fear that is keeping you on the cliff or keeping you small.

Taken from

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Living a FULL 75 years PLUS!

One of the things I've heard in 2015 really resonates with me and it caused me to do a lot of thinking near the end of 2015 and as 2016 starts. 

That's saying is...

I asked myself the question what am I doing to live a full 90 (or 75) years or am I living the same year over and over again? 

I've come to the conclusion that up until now there have been some slight fluctuations year-to-year but overall my life lacks purpose and accomplishment. 

Then I think what could I do differently this year than what I've done years before and the biggest answer is achieve goals but not just achieve goals set bigger goals set the expectation higher. 

As Robin Sharma says don't compare yourself to the other guy.  Compare yourself today to yourself yesterday do something better and bigger today than you did yesterday.

And so far this year I have been doing that.  I can't wait to share with you how my life has changed the past 8 weeks.

Do you feel like I did in 2015?  

Friday, February 5, 2016

Every Single Day You Make a Choice

Everyday, the bus called Life picks us up in the morning, and we choose where we wish to sit that day!

Many people believe they have to accept what life dishes them but we make conscious decisions throughout our day.

I've heard so many negatives about the economy lately, but I was reminded a few days ago, that circumstances are circumstances; they are not bad or good, they just are!  Our perception of those circumstances is what makes them bad or good.

There will always be opportunities.  As a matter of fact, the slower economy means people lose their job.  That is a fact.  Many great new companies are started in the slump of an economy because people are at their rock bottom and can only do better by doing anything.

So make a choice to look at things positively. 

Make a choice to see what could be good in the world.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Changed the Title of My Blog

I just watched a video this morning that is worth watching by Robin Sharma.

At one point in the video, I paused the video, came to this blog and changed my blog title.

My blog title used to read, "My Journey to More, Just an Average Gal".

Now when we are affirming things in our life, we have to carefully pick the language we use.

So you'll pick up on this right away - "just" and "average" gal.   Two of those words are not what I want for my life.

I want to be more than JUST!   I want to be World-Class, not AVERAGE.

So please excuse the change, I am building BETTER!

Monday, January 18, 2016

Timing Is Everything

Today I had a little glitch in the system. A little tiff in a close relationship of mine sent me to my basement to really work out a good vision/dream. Usually moments like that would stop most people in their tracks and get discouraged. And until just recently, the same would've been true for me. But this time, it was a motivator to work on my dream even harder and just spend some dedicated time on it. 

You see, even though I have homework or should I say life work every week for my life coach, I still procrastinate. But I'm at that point, and I tear up as I write this, where I know change is completely necessary for my happiness and that thought pushes me.  

If you are struggling and you feel that change is just too hard, do not give up. That's what your ego wants you to do. I know it sounds ass backwards but it's not. 

You deserve better. I deserve better.