Saturday, May 28, 2016

Timing is Everything!

Almost 2 weeks ago, I sprained my ankle. It was the best thing that could've happened to me in this stage of my life. Odd to say that, right?

I attracted this. I have been complaining about not having the time for many things I wanted to do. Guess what? Now I have nothing but time to sit and rest.

And what did I want to do? Personal development and spiritual growth. I want change in my life  by living in the now and attracting happy, healthy relationships, great clients to my business and peace and happiness.  Getting to sit and listen to the Hay House World Summit, read How to Heal your Life by Louise Hay, and learn more about Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT aka Tapping) have all been great things to happen to me while sitting RICE-ing my ankle.  (Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation).

I have spent countless hours reading, listening to videos and audios and really having the time to personally heal.  Every person, regardless of our upbringing, underwent some trauma.  Some people more than others and all of those experiences affect and influence what happens to us today.

I recently started a new business and I really wanted to make sure that I was putting my mind and body in the right place before I really got started so I could be more successful from a mental perspective as well as a financial perspective. 

Spraining my ankle has taught me that it is OK to let other people take the reins sometimes.  Also taught me that I was taking life a little bit too fast and that there is nothing wrong with slowing down a little bit.

I've had a chance to visit my inner child and see where some of the pain from my past is.  Many tears and gone through many tissues but not because of the pain in my ankle because of what I'm learning in when I'm discovering about myself.  Some tears are pain and some are joy in the discovering.

Photo taken from Pinterest

So just remember that when something seems to happen that is perceived as bad, remember you are right where you need to

The Universe knows just what you need and you are attracting it because you too, know exactly what you need.  

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