Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Living a FULL 75 years PLUS!

One of the things I've heard in 2015 really resonates with me and it caused me to do a lot of thinking near the end of 2015 and as 2016 starts. 

That's saying is...

I asked myself the question what am I doing to live a full 90 (or 75) years or am I living the same year over and over again? 

I've come to the conclusion that up until now there have been some slight fluctuations year-to-year but overall my life lacks purpose and accomplishment. 

Then I think what could I do differently this year than what I've done years before and the biggest answer is achieve goals but not just achieve goals set bigger goals set the expectation higher. 

As Robin Sharma says don't compare yourself to the other guy.  Compare yourself today to yourself yesterday do something better and bigger today than you did yesterday.

And so far this year I have been doing that.  I can't wait to share with you how my life has changed the past 8 weeks.

Do you feel like I did in 2015?  

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