Friday, February 5, 2016

Every Single Day You Make a Choice

Everyday, the bus called Life picks us up in the morning, and we choose where we wish to sit that day!

Many people believe they have to accept what life dishes them but we make conscious decisions throughout our day.

I've heard so many negatives about the economy lately, but I was reminded a few days ago, that circumstances are circumstances; they are not bad or good, they just are!  Our perception of those circumstances is what makes them bad or good.

There will always be opportunities.  As a matter of fact, the slower economy means people lose their job.  That is a fact.  Many great new companies are started in the slump of an economy because people are at their rock bottom and can only do better by doing anything.

So make a choice to look at things positively. 

Make a choice to see what could be good in the world.

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