Thursday, December 11, 2014

Impressionable Children

I took my 3 year old sliding recently and as we were leaving the hill to come home I was watching her slowly walk behind me to the car.  And a thought hit me.

NOW is the right time to make a positive change in life.  Rather than teaching our children to be positive they can watch us be positive, work hard for success and succeed.

I am thankful I am making changes now in this stage of life, as a parent to young children.

We owe it to our children to raise them right instead of telling them how to live.

I have enrolled in a personal development course put on by Sharma Leadership International.  One of the "to-do's" is to create a personal philosophy.  What kind of person do I want to be?  What kind of Mother and Wife do I want to be?   How do I want to live my days?  How do I want to be remembered?  Answering those questions provides clear insight into ourselves and our personal goals.

Just knowing about that personal philosophy and having that in the back of my mind has helped me in difficult parenting situations lately.  When things are getting a little tough, I think about what kind of Mother I want to be and my reactions and responses change.  I immediately become more patient, I find myself counting slower and more controlled to get through a few tough seconds until the world settles down.

I am not striving for perfection, I just want to improve a little bit each day.  1% each day means a 30% improvement in 1 month.  

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