Monday, January 5, 2015

Frustration Leads to Change

My husband said something to me today that made me think. He said something along the lines of Not every is as strong as you to go work out and stick to it.  You have entrepreneurial spirit and you do well as an entrepreneur.

This discussion came up because I made a comment how people make excuses for not working out - anything they can justify, my husband is no exception to this rule.  I don't apologize for my comment.  If people were really honest with themselves they would realize the comment is true.  I am a direct communicator.  I never intend to be rude.  Yes, sometimes I am judgemental.  I am not perfect.  I have a lot of things to work on and issues to work out in my life.

Anyways, I digress.  

I have really been sticking to going to Pilates, trying a new workout called Barre and daily doing push ups with the help of an App on my phone.  All before the New Year as well.  I don't like Resolutions.  I make changes when I get fed up with current life and change is required.

This is what I am discovering, in myself and others.  People don't want to change until something devastating happens in their life (unfortunately, it takes desperate measures to kick some people in the ass), or they are so fed up with the way things are, they finally make a change.

I am tired of back pain, lack of flexibility and strength and lack of hormonal balance, that getting fit is necessary.  I don't want to wait until I get sick or someone I love gets sick.

So if you are not happy with your job, your weight, your relationships, GET ANGRY about it.  Get fired up and do SOMETHING about it.   

I am learning nothing comes without dedication, sacrifice and getting out of your comfort zone.  That lesson was learned hard at my first Barre class.  It was so hard.  I actually muttered the words, "I can't do it" and then I felt ashamed for saying that.  

Anytime I get close to the edge of my comfort zone, I quit.  I say I can't do it and I complain.  I become a whiner and I never realized it until I went to Barre. 

I apologize to myself for not realizing this sooner.  I am happy I know this now.  I can set goals around it, push a little harder to achieve goals.  A comfort zone is something to be broken for anything that is worth it!

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Peeling the Layers of an Onion

Photo Taken from
My husband bought me a book for Christmas called "Procrastination Why You Do It, What To Do About It NOW" by Jane Burka and Lenora Yuen.  I joked with him and said I would start reading it next year but I started reading it that night and I'm really glad I did.

But this is like peeling the layers off of an onion. The more you try and help yourself the more things you find need helping.  I used to think I was standing on the ground with a ladder in front of me and I was gonna start walking up it. But now I feel like I'm in a deep hole and the ladder is in front of me and I have to get out of the hole first before I can continue up from the surface.  I know that sounds dismal but it's not meant to be.

If you are a procrastinator, I highly recommend this book. It reaches down into the core of your soul to determine the root causes of procrastination.  But it goes beyond that. It digs deeper. I had no idea I had as many issues as I do until I started reading this book.  I am being completely vulnerable to admit this.   I find myself reading the book and saying to myself, "Oh my, that is so me" or "Yes, I can relate to that" or even more strongly, "Are you sure the authors haven't been in my head??"

I am very happy.  The winds of change are blowing in my life.  Now if only I had countless hours to read it.  I am a slow reader and I don't have patience for that.  

I am building up my library so tell me, 

Do you have a self-help or other book that resonated with you so strongly?